Papers for the 2009 Book of Odes 《詩經》 Symposium

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Ulrike Middendorf -- Appreciation and Judgment: Rhetoric of Evaluation in Kongzi Shi lun

Edward L. Shaughnessy -- Writing and Rewriting the Poetry

Michael J. Hunter -- Contextualizing the Kongzi of the “Kongzi Shilun”

Chen Zhi -- The Rite of Yinzhi (Drinking Celebration) and Poems Recorded on the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips 清華簡中所見古飲至禮及古佚詩試解

Stephen Owen -- The Lessons of the Feng

Pham Leemoi -- Groups of Textual Variants from the Written Texts of the Book of Odes: A Case Study 《詩經》文本「頒賁」異文組群的考察──兼釋簡帛〈五行〉「顏色容貌溫賁也」